Robinson, IL - On Saturday your Statesmen travelled to Godfrey Illinois where they took on the Trailblazers of Lewis and Clark college in the Region 24 Final for Men's Soccer. Having already split the regular season between each other (each team winning on their home field), there was more riding on this game with an opportunity to represent Region 24 at the District Level on the line.  

Due to poor weather the night before and a forecast predicting very cold temperatures and more inclement weather, the game was held at a neutral site on a turf field which proved to be a test for the Statesmen through the first minutes of the game. Touches were heavy, and judging the speed of the ball was difficult as the Statesmen did their best to find their grove while keeping energy and intensity high as is needed in a final. The game was hotly contested with many fouls early in the game and the first yellow coming within the first 15 minutes. 

Both teams created chances early in the game looking to be the first to break the deadlock and find some security in their play. Fortunately this break came for your Statesmen when #5 Guilherme Alves drove the ball forward from his traditional center back position, gliding between more than 5 Trailblazers through the middle of the pitch, he was able to find a pocket of space when he played a perfect ball through the backline for #9 Guilherme Melchiori who slotted the ball into th far post beyond the keeper putting your Statesmen up 1-0 in the regional final! The goal brought Alves his first assist of the season and sent Melchiori to double digit goals with his tenth of the campaign. 

The intensity would only rise from there with more tackles and fouls resulting in the first yellow for your statesmen handed to #15 Gustavo Aquino. Things looked to take a turn for the worse when the Trailblazers were awarded a penalty kick in the Statesmen box after a controversial handball call went against your Statesmen. #1 Gonzalo Onrubia filled the frame of the goal and dove with confidence stopping the initial Trailblzers before #4 Mateus Moura fired away the rebound ensuring the clean sheet remained and keeping your Statesmen up 1-0! 

That would lead into halftime with your Statesmen up 1-0 and looking to keep the pressure high and the game flowing going into the second half.  

Starting the second half Coach Milla made several changes to ensure that the pressing tactics they had employed would continue to pressure the Trailbazers into mistakes and close the game out.  

In the first minutes of the second half more yellows would be given out to both sides as the intensity increased and the desperation started to come from the Trailblazers, sending more players forward and leaving more room at the back proved to be their undoing as #8 Antonio Bilancieri dribbled into the attacking third and forced several trailblazers to collapse towards him giving him room to play a pass to #10 Ryosuke Miyata who absolutely hammered the ball into the bottom of the cross bar sending it crashing in behind the goalkeeper who was rooted to his spot putting the Statesmen up 2-0 and effectively through to the District Tournament for the first time in their history. The goal was Bilancieri's first assist of his LT career and was Miyata's tenth goal bringing him to double digits as well. 

More yellows would be given through the rest of the game as the Trailblazers looked for opportunities to get something back in the game but were not able to find any way past Onrubia who was a virtual wall in the goal for the Statesmen on the day making key saves throughout both halves and keeping the defensive line working throughout.  

The Statesmen continued to counterattack the high line of the Trailblazers and found multiple opportunities to run down some time deep in the attacking half before finally keeping the ball secure to run down the clock welcoming the final whistle signaling a win for your Statesmen and a first ever Region 24 Championship! 

The win secures the Statesmen's place in the District Tournament this Friday (November 3) where they will play Iowa Western in the Regional Semi-Final looking for road to the final and a potential automatic bid to the National Tournament in Wichita Kansas later in the month.  

Thank you to ALL of our incredible supporters who came to the game and who have continued to support us throughout this season! We couldn't have gotten this far without you and we're so grateful for all of you! 

Go Statesmen!